Can cats eat bananas? Don’t look surprised to hear this question! It is actually one of the top questions in the list of the most common questions that cat parents ask.
Bananas are extremely delicious and healthy fruit for humans. They contain some essential nutrients like proteins, natural sugars, fibers and vitamins. Moreover, you realize that not just humans and monkeys love bananas, a lot of bird species, some bats, elephants, and even dogs also like eating this tasty fruit. Thus, you`re probably wondering if you should allow your feline to eat bananas and if they are good for your cat.
Health Benefits of Bananas
Bananas are a good source of Vitamin C, Vitamin B6, potassium, and magnesium. As has been said, this tasty fruit also contains high levels of protein, dietary fiber, and natural sugars. So, when it comes to human health, bananas are among the most popular fruits that can positively affect the human body and mind. Besides, it’s been scientifically proven that eating bananas helps reduce man’s blood pressure as well as lower the risk of heart attacks, strokes, and chances of getting cancer. And best of all, banana is a perfect antidepressant that helps us deal with depression and lift our mood in a matter of seconds.
Can Cats Eat Bananas?
Bananas are not toxic for cats, therefore, they can eat this fruit. However, for a cat eating banana isn’t so beneficial as for human beings and you need to take into account this fact. Although bananas are rich in natural sugar, your feline’s body cannot digest and absorb this sugar the way a man’s organism can. And as a result, sugar is accumulated in the cat`s organism and leads to several health-related issues with time like cat diabetes or obesity.
The only nutrient that your kitty’s body can digest is fiber. But it is neither vitamin or mineral because fiber is a complex carbohydrate. Well, don’t forget that cats don’t need so much bananas fiber in their diet, unlike humans and dogs.
So, Can Cats Have Bananas or Not?
Can cats eat fruit such as bananas? Of course, they can! Even though cats are true carnivores, they can love bananas as their owners.
Are bananas safe for cats? Yes, they’re relatively safe! Why relatively? Well, when it comes to the foods that are poisonous to cats, bananas aren’t on that list! They are non-toxic to felines and basically non-harmful, BUT ONLY IN MODERATION.
Some cat parents allow their pets to eat frozen bananas because being frozen they offer the extra benefit of hydration and lower the risk of developing diabetes.
This means that you may feed your furry friend bananas (frozen or fresh), but not often. Remember, your cat should gain all the essential nutrients from meat and meat should be the main meal in his diet. Your feline’s digestive system is not designed to obtain nutrients from plant-based food sources like bananas. That’s why most vets agree that cat eating banana from time to time as a treat is okay and absolutely safe if cat parents give this tasty fruit in small portions.
How Do I Give Banana to a Cat
Before feeding a banana to your feline, make sure that its skin has been removed! Never give banana peels to your furry friend because his digestive system may not be able to tolerate them. Banana peels may cause a lot of problems from choking and intestinal issues to even death. Cut a small piece off the banana and offer it to your cat.
Observe the cat’s reaction and make sure that your feline is not allergic to the banana. In case of allergic reactions, immediately see a veterinarian.
Is It True that Cats Do Not Like Bananas?
Do cats like bananas? The answer remains mixed! In most cases, a cat doesn’t like bananas because our furry friends aren’t considered of being banana lovers. However, some cats break this law of nature and happily eat bananas whenever you offer them some pieces. So, there’s no reason to get scared and go to the vet immediately if your cat steals your banana when you’re not looking.
Just don’t forget that your cat loves bananas not because this is a very sweet fruit and it tastes delicious to you. Generally, cats don’t perceive sweet tastes as they don’t have sweet receptors in their tongue. So, if your feline like eating bananas, this means that he loves their texture and not their taste.
The main reason why cats don’t like bananas is that they taste bland or even bad to cats. Therefore, this tasty fruit that people love so much can be absolutely uninteresting for such carnivores like cats.
Are Cats Afraid of Bananas?
You may even notice that your feline doesn’t like bananas or he may even be afraid of them. Why are cats afraid of bananas? Is it normal?
Well, there are actually two reasons why this is happening.
Being hunters, this is a natural reaction to the unexpected attack of the unfamiliar fruit. Cats regard it as a strange object, which can pose threat to their health.
One more reason for such reaction is that the smell of ripening banana repels your feline. Bananas can emit unpleasant ethyl acetate odor and most cats find it really awful. Thus, if they get a whiff of this fruit, they run away and look scared.
The Bottom Line:
Bananas should not be the main meal for your cat, it can be just a snack. Generally, you can feed your feline with bananas occasionally and only in small portions.
- Are bananas good for cats?
Not so good as most cat parents may think!
Bananas are a great source of such a useful mineral as potassium which supports the heart and kidney functions. Of course, you know that bananas are rich in a lot of vitamins. However, the cat’s organism cannot digest and absorb them the way the human body can.
- Are bananas bad for cats?
Bananas contain higher levels of carbs and sugar. Well, they are really bad for cats. The higher amount of carbohydrates and sugar in your feline’s organism can lead to various health-related problems, including cat diabetes and obesity.
Before improving or varying your cat’s diet, ask your vet the question: “What foods are cats not allowed to eat or not recommended to eat?” Don’t try to experiment on your furry pal because it can be very harmful to his health and well-being!
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