page title icon Friendliest Cat Breeds

by Linda Mathews Last Updated September 25, 2021

If you want to bring a new fur ball into your home, the first and main feature you pay attention to is how friendly your future favorite will be. Below you’ll find the list of the cutest cat breeds that are known as the friendliest and nicest cat breeds in the world.

View our best cat breeds for new cat owners or those who are looking for a loyal four-legged friend, focus on the breed descriptions and select the right lap cat who will definitely become your most devoted furry companion forever.

Friendliest Cat Breeds


Millions of cat lovers own Persians due to their gorgeous appearance and laid-back temperament. Having a sweet, affectionate nature, the Persian cat can be a trustworthy friend for any member of the family and thrives as a part of a family.

Among the lap cat breeds, the Persians are the main ones because of their love to lay on their master’s laps. They tend to wait quietly for their human for hours but when they see that the owner sits down they immediately find the convenient spot on their laps and start purring. Moreover, most cat experts accept this calm cat breed as one of the prettiest cat breeds in the world.

Exotic Shorthair

Exotic Shorthair

Charming, calm, and affectionate, the Exotic Shorthair is quite similar to the Persian cat. And this similarity involves not only their physical resemblance but also similar temperaments.

Being one of the most beautiful cat breeds, the Exotic Shorthair cats are known as devoted family favorites who love to spend a lot of time with their humans and don’t love to stay alone at all. As the cutest cat in the world, the Exotic Shorthair is an ideal fun-loving family companion who doesn’t refer to the most social cat breeds.

The Exotic Shorthair usually doesn’t make much noise and can’t be characterized as a highly vocal creature. Instead of loud sounds, it prefers to make quiet, squeaky meows.

Maine Coon

Maine Coon

The Maine Coon isn’t just the biggest cat breed, it is also one of the best cat breeds for families that are looking for real four-legged friends.

Getting a warm home and a loving family, these tender giants try to find the right balance between being devoted companions for their masters and keeping their propensity to be independent. These fur balls refer to the most vocal cats breed types and a lot of feline breeders include them to the roster of the most sociable long-haired cat breeds.



The Siamese cat breed involves different types of cats depending on their coat and temperament features. But all Siamese cats are pretty and intelligent creatures. They belong to the most vocal cat breeds and the most loving cat breeds as well.

They have outgoing nature and usually depend on human relationships. This cat variety constantly tries to be near their masters. As a rule, the Siamese cats bond with one person in the family the closest link, and nothing can break this link. When it comes to strangers, the Siamese cats can behave quite differently and in most cases cautious.

However, the Siamese felines are known as one of the friendliest cat breeds that get along with other cats well and spend their spare time funny and active when they stay at home alone.



If you want to find a good-natured fluffy companion, focus on the Ragdoll cats. These tender and at the same time playful creatures are naturally affectionate and well-known for their gentle temperament.

Among the most docile cat breeds, the Ragdolls are at the top. They are quite devoted and dependable people-oriented felines who always seek more human attention.

The Ragdoll cat is one of the best cat breeds for cuddling because of its sweet character. The Ragdoll cats belong to the large domesticated cat breeds and that is the main reason why it is extremely difficult to ignore such a noticeable creature at home.



Want to have a cat companion? The Abyssinian cat will be a perfect option for you. This sweetie is one of the best cat breeds for the first-time ones but it doesn’t mean that cat fans shouldn’t bring it to expand their families.

This old feline breed is considered a flexible and trainable one. The Abyssinian cats can learn new tricks easily and love to accompany their owners around the house.

This most loyal cat breed features an incredibly intelligent and curious cat breed personality. They tend to investigate, love adventures, and want to participate in every part of their master’s life.



The extravagant look and friendly nature make the Sphynx cat so unique and exciting. Being one of the most popular exotic cat breeds, the Sphynx cats are also one of the friendliest hypoallergenic cats.

They usually have all the attention they can get and, in return, they are always ready to reward their masters with generous purrs and cuddles. This most lovable cat breed is known to be extremely social and energetic.

The Sphynx cats don’t like to be ignored by their masters and strive for getting the master’s attention in any way.



Often described as an overly devoted cat breed, the Burmese felines are highly easy-going, curious, and friendly creatures. But it is important to know that cool-looking Burmese males and females have quite different temperaments.

The Burmese females are considered to be the most inquisitive and energetic cats, Besides, they are more emotionally involved with their owners. When it comes to the Burmese males, the cat experts state that they are usually a bit calmer compared to the females but they also need more human attention.



Being a quiet cat breed, the Birman is loving by nature and has all the markings of a loyal affectionate companion. The Birman cat experts admit that this feline breed is one of the easiest creatures to handle and this highly lovable cat gives the least cause for trouble for the masters.

As the smartest cat breed, it can easily learn new tricks and commands. Of course, the Birman always want to get a lot of love and attention from their humans in turn.



This cat variety, thought to be the most beautiful cat in the world, has a very similar temperament to the Ragdoll. The Ragamuffin cats are famous for their affectionate and attentive nature.

These cats usually don’t leave their owners alone at home because they try to follow their dear humans everywhere. Such tender creatures as the Ragamuffins love to be cuddled and their favorite spots for napping are their master’s laps or arms.

All this means that the cats of this cute breed usually become very devoted companions for the whole family. Besides, they get along with other domestic pets well.

Scottish Fold

Scottish Fold

Those cat fans who are dreaming of cool looking cats have to pay their attention to one of the most unique cats breeds like the Scottish Fold. Such adorable plushy creatures with small folded ears can leave no one indifferent.

Belonging to the most loving cat breeds, the Scottish Fold cat can be a loyal and affectionate companion to all family members. Besides, these feline friends feature playful temperament and love spending time with kids in an active way because they are highly energetic and curious.

Luckily for busy masters, this breed doesn’t require constant master’s attention but it strives for human interaction and likes to be cuddled.

Devon Rex

Devon Rex
Full of energy and excitement, the Devon Rex is a fun-loving, smart and loyal cat breed. This cat type looks like Yoda from the Star Wars but at the same time, the Devon Rex cats have the same personality.

These felines can be true companions and never leave their masters. The Devon Rex features an active and playful temperament. Besides, these family favorites don’t become less energetic when they mature. Even in adulthood, they remain highly energetic and funny. Not surprising that kids adore the Devon Rex cats so much.

Frequently asked questions

What type of cat has the best personality?

Exploring various types of cats, we’ve emphasized the top 12 sweetest cat breeds that can be affectionate and loyal companions for everyone. But when it comes to the most friendly cat breed, it is possible to say with confidence that this is the Ragdoll cat.

Ragdoll cats are perfect furry creatures that can get you all their love and tenderness. Actually, cats of this breed are known as relatively low-maintenance felines and they are ready to follow their masters everywhere all day long.

Which cat is the calmest?

For those people who are looking for a quiet and loyal four-legged companion, one of the best options is the Persian cat. Among the calmest or laziest cat breeds, Persians are at the top. This cat breed is ideal for relaxed pet parents.


No matter what cat breed you’ve decided to get, your new feline companion will always expect your master’s love and attention in turn.