page title icon White Cat Breeds that Will Steal Your Heart

by Linda Mathews Last Updated January 9, 2023

5% of the general cat population is white cats (i.e. pure white). So the statement that white cats are one in a million is not a metaphor.

These beautiful felines boast not only a solid white coat or fur with some points or pale markings, but all of them have their unique personality and traits that make them one of a kind.

If you are thinking about adding a white feline to your family, then check out this list of the best white cat breeds that are truly exceptional.

White Cat Breeds

White Persian Cat

White Persian Cat

Persian white cats have originated in Iran, and they are one of the most beautiful and ancient breeds in the world. The Persian cat is an animal unique both in beauty and character.

Persians are calm and peaceful, so they get along with elderly people and children. These felines always have time to be fussed over and pampered. They have a large domed head, a flattened muzzle, a massive body, and long hair with a thick undercoat. Their coat can be of different colors, including white.

Siamese Cat

Siamese Cat

The Siamese cat is one of the most recognizable breeds with its beautiful blue eyes and distinctive coat color. They are extremely balanced cats that boast an athletic, flexible body and elegant, slim legs.

They have wedge-shaped heads and large almond-shaped eyes. Siamese cats are very active, sociable, affectionate, and trusting. They love to play different games, so be ready to dedicate time to your furry friend.

They are very chatty and enjoy communicating with their owners.

Cornish Rex

Cornish Rex

These cute cats with a curly coat and large ears are perfect for families with children and cat-friendly dogs. Though their fur is dense, they are not hypoallergenic but shed less than other cats.

These beautiful felines have appeared in 1950 in England. They have playful and outgoing personalities, and they aren’t shy to steal food off your plate. Cornish Rex cats are always eager to play games and learn new tricks.



This cute cat breed with short legs looks very cute, and their short legs do not prevent them from running fast, jumping, and playing fetch games.

White Munchkin cats are small in size, boast either long or short hair, and have beautiful eyes of different colors. These sweet furballs are very affectionate, sociable, and will always gladly cheer you up with their playful behavior.

American Curl

American Curl

If you are looking for an affectionate cat with a fluffy white coat who will settle into a lap without asking or give a light pat on a face and a loving nuzzle to express their affection, then these fluffy cuties are a win-win option for you.

The distinctive feature of these medium-sized felines is curled ears that look cute. Their coat can be short or long, and their eyes can be blue, grey, or green.

Devon Rex

Devon Rex

The Devon Rex cats have the same genetics as the Cornish Rex felines – their head shape is the same, but the Devon Rex cats have curlier fur. These cats feature a striking appearance and playful personality, and if you fall in love with these felines, they’d return it tenfold.

American Shorthair

American Shorthair

The American Shorthair is one of the oldest cat breeds in America. It has short fur and a wide variety of colors, it does not shed much, therefore, it is not whimsical in grooming.

These cats are independent and value their freedom very much, therefore, white Shorthair cats do not like to be often hugged, nevertheless, they love their owners very much. The American Shorthair feline is an all-rounder for a family with kids and other pets.

British Shorthair

British Shorthair

One of the oldest of Britain’s cat breeds has a plush coat that resembles a teddy bear. These cuddle companions are affectionate and easy-going, and they form strong bonds with all family members so that no one feels left out.

Maine Coon

Maine Coon

Maine Coons refer to all white fluffy cat breeds, and they are the largest domesticated cats that feature a long, shiny coat.

One of the expensive cat breeds has a dog-like temperament and is very easy to leash train, so these felines will gladly join all your adventures.

Turkish Angora

Turkish Angora

These felines with a soft and luxurious coat are sociable and intelligent. These white furry cats are very active and can spend hours chasing sunbeams, playing games, or enjoying cuddles with you.

Turkish Van

Turkish Van

Domestic longhair cats who like swimming do exist! The Turkish Van cat with a delicate, soft white coal is highly playful and energetic.

Are you ready to drop the toys into a pool and see how this active feline will dive in and scoop the toys out?



These fluffy white cats are coated with dense, water-resistant fur, that is why they are a top pick for allergy sufferers. They are brave, intelligent, and loyal.

Norwegian Forest Cat

Norwegian Forest Cat

This fluffy white cat breed has a thick waterproof coat and is known for its wild look. Despite their somewhat formidable appearance, Wedgies are very affectionate and loving.



These talkative, curious, and affectionate white Oriental Shorthair cats with short fur and blue eyes will gladly search with you for toys and interesting things or cuddle in the bed on a sunny day.

Japanese Bobtail

Japanese Bobtail

Japanese Bobtails represent maneki-neko (lucky cats) and have a friendly and easy-going personality. Their bobbed tail looks extremely cute and adds charm to their appearance. These orange and white cats are great both for singles and families.



Ragdolls have appeared in the 1960s, but have conquered millions of hearts all over the world. These all-white cats are known for their fluffy, long coat and affectionate, friendly, and docile nature.



Birman white cats with their deep blue eyes and soft and silky fur look amazing. These long haired white cats are known for their affectionate personality and sometimes territorial behavior.

Himalayan Cat

Himalayan Cat

Himalayan pure white cats or “Himmies” feature a long coat and a dense undercoat, and they don’t shed much. They always crave love and affection and are known for being gentle, sweet-tempered, and playful.

Khao Manee

Khao Manee

This big white cat with pure white fur and jewel-tone eyes. Khao Plort kittens are playful and affectionate and are believed to bring good luck to their owners.

Characteristics of White Cats

There is a claim that white cats have a shorter lifespan, but this is a myth. The color of the coat does not affect the duration of life, however, certain health problems occur in white cats. We’ll cover them below.

White Cats and Sunburn

White cats have less melanin than other breeds, so they are more at risk of sunburn. Most often, the limbs with the least hair are most at risk of sunburn. Therefore, you should carefully monitor your cat’s outdoor behavior on a sunny day or indoor behavior, especially if he likes to look out of the window. It is advisable to provide your felines with a place to rest, inaccessible to the penetration of sunlight.

White Cats and Deafness

Are white cats deaf? Deafness in cats is associated with the dominant gene W. It does not guarantee deafness in a cat, however, the likelihood of deafness is much higher compared to cats of other colors. The incidence of deafness increases if the cat has blue eyes. Researchers found that only 17 to 22 percent of white cats with non-blue eyes are born deaf. The percentage rises to 40 percent if the cat has one blue eye, while upwards of 65 to 85 percent of all-white cats with both eyes blue are deaf.

White Cats and Albinism

Many people think that all white cats are albinos (cats with a complete lack of pigmentation), but this is not the case. There are albino cats, and they often have reddish-pink eyes, a pink nose, and pink paw pads. Besides, they are more susceptible to the influence of sunlight and are more likely to be born deaf.

Blindness in white cat breeds

White cats are often deaf, but their eyesight is completely normal, and the color of the coat does not affect the eyesight quality. In white cats and cats of other colors, visual impairment can occur due to old age, injury, or illness. Here are some signs that indicate your cat has vision problems.

  • Bumping into furniture and stumbling.
  • It is difficult for them to find bowls of food, water, or favorite toys.
  • When walking, a cat is pressed to the ground as low as possible to rely on the scent when moving.
  • Becomes more vocal as a result of stress.
  • Becomes less active.
  • Cat’s pupils do not respond to light.

Choosing a White Cat Breed

Pretty white cats are a symbol of good luck and fortune in many cultures. Besides, it is believed that especially lucky white cats are those with at least one blue eye. When choosing a white cat, be sure to consider the cat’s health and make sure it is purebred and has no hearing problems.

Depending on the breed, be prepared for high standards of care and maintenance. Also, consider the size of the pet – if you have a small apartment, then a large breed will not work for you. Also, consider the temperament of the animal and its ability to get along well with other animals in your household.

How to Care for a White Cat Breed

White cats and cats of other colors require love, attention, and care from their pet parents. Here are some tips.

  • Visit your veterinarian regularly and make sure your cat has all the necessary vaccinations.
  • Feed your cat high-quality dry food and add the same brand of wet food to the diet. Besides, you can prepare high-quality food yourself.
  • Make sure the food is varied and of good quality.
  • Change litter trays and water bowls regularly.
  • Clean and wash a cat bed.
  • Get rid of poisonous plants because the cat can poison them.


How Common Are White Cats?

White cats make up around 5% of the cat species, and blue eyes are prevalent. There is a genetic relationship between white coat color, blue eyes, and deafness. However, it is dependent on the cat’s particular genes. Even if you obtain a deaf white cat, it may have a normal life.

What Is the Breed of White Cat with Blue Eyes?

Khao Manee cats have a pure white coat that is short and silky. Their eyes are blue.


Thus, if you are looking for new white happiness, this list of cute white cats of different cat breeds is just what you need.

Learn more about cute white cat names.