Ragdolls belong to the unique cats who find a place in the hearts of anyone who bumps into them. The cats of this wonderful breed are known as social, affectionate, and doting creatures. That’s why Ragdoll cats are so popular and sought-after among pet lovers.
If you’ve brought such a lovely feline as a Ragdoll into your home, the first thing you should do is to find a perfect name for your small favorite to reflect the specific nature of your new companion.
In this article, you’ll find different sections that include examples of the best Ragdoll cat names. Explore these awesome cat names attentively and choose the most suitable one for your charming fur ball.
Awesome Ragdoll Cat Names Ideas
Now it’s time to check out famous Ragdoll cats names that we’ve divided into several categories to make it easy for you to find the right and most beautiful Ragdoll cat name for your feline.
Good Names inspired By Ragdoll Personality
Every cat parent is going to choose a good name for his or her adorable fluffy Ragdoll cat. Here are some mischievous cat names that you might love!
Alvin – wise companion.
Anisa – good-natured.
Callie – pretty.
Charm – delight.
Clemmy – gentle.
Draco – dragon.
Faustus – happy.
Fluff Ball – furry cat.
Grady – noble.
Hani – lucky.
Houston – smart.
Karen – pure.
Keiko – beloved.
Loco – crazy.
Mai – dance.
Shane – gracious.
Ventura – good luck.
Pounce – a fun, playful name inspired by their hunting instinct.
Angel – an angelic name befitting the gentle and loving nature of the breed.
Shadow – mysterious name that captures the Ragdoll’s quiet and shy nature.
Luna – Latin for moon, a celestial name for your celestial-looking kitty.
Mystic – an exotic and mystical name that speaks to the Ragdoll’s mysterious allure.
Badass Unisex Names
Find a badass name for your female or male Ragdoll cat to match its cuteness and smartness. Focus on the options below and decide what name will suit your feline best.
Alarm – for highly vocal cats.
Camilla – ideal.
Cherry – fresh fruit.
Chicco – boy
Gulliver – extremely big.
Hop – consistent.
Kimi – noble.
Marble – great for Ragdoll tabby mix.
Nolan – aristocratic.
Reagan – small king.
Sprite – magic fairy.
Stella – star.
Sudi – fortunate.
Toma – sun.
Zelda – blessed.
Zip – energy.
Ziva – bright, striking.
Unique Names
Such a unique charming cat as a Ragdoll deserves an impressive name. View some Ragdoll magical names for cats and pick out one of them to underline your feline’s extravagant personality.
Eri – blessed gift.
Festus – joyful.
Haru – spring.
Hoax – charm.
Norah – honor.
Griffon – furious.
Ju-Ju – lucky talisman.
Kai – born in the sea.
Kismet – fate.
Mana – love.
Namir – cat.
Noah – loving, affectionate.
Quinn – extremely smart.
Revel – noisy holiday.
Zephyr – a gentle wind.
Zemi – good luck mascot.
Based on Fictional Characters and Mythology
Shisa is a mythical combination of a lion and a dog from Okinawa.
Wampus is a Cherokee mythological monster that is half-woman and half-cougar.
Kilkenny Cat is a legendary fighting cat from Ireland.
Manticore is a mythical animal from Persia with a lion’s body and a human head.
Food Names
Apple is great for a playful cat.
Caesar is an adorable name for a brave cat.
Cappuccino is one of the most adorable Seal Point Ragdoll names.
Cookie – a playful name for a mischievous cat.
Dumpling – a perfect name for a real foodie.
Marshmallow is great for a fluffy cat.
Names Ideas From Movies and Television
Kitty Galore (Cats & Dogs).
Lucifer (Cinderella).
Fritz (Fritz the Cat).
Jinx (Meet the Parents).
Minerva (aka Professor McGonagall, Harry Potter).
Angus (Angus, Thongs and Perfect Snogging).
Irena (Cat People).
Jake (The Cat from Outer Space).
From Famous Owners
Kitty Purry (Katy Perry).
Meredith (Taylor Swift).
Willie (President George W. Bush).
Choupette (Karl Lagerfeld).
Delilah (Freddie Mercury).
Fun & Cute Cat Names
There is nothing much cuter on our globe than adorable white, orange, or grey Ragdoll kittens. Why not choose one of the sweetest names from our list below and give your four-legged favorite the most delightful name in the world.
Aiko – the baby of love.
Ayasha – a small feline.
Aspen – a kind of tree.
Babette – baby.
Belle – beautiful.
Catori – spirit.
Chaton – kitten.
Greer – attentive.
Florine – blossoming.
Kai – willow tree.
Kerensa – passion.
Mami – real beauty.
Minou – small feline.
Mosi – feline.
Nanette – elegance.
Pixie – Irish fairy.
Male Ragdoll Cat Names
Male Ragdolls deserve regal cat names that will match their aristocratic nature. However, this list of royal cat names is also filled with superhero cat names because some cat owners are prone to accent the agility and playfulness of their felines.
Amory means ‘powerful’.
Achilles is a warrior, hero of the Trojan War.
Archibald is one of the most popular royal names meaning ‘brave’.
Ashwyn is a nice option for a friend with claws.
Bambino is an Italian word that fits a feline with a baby-like appearance.
Barney can fit a male cat who always inspires.
Basil is a Greek name that marks ‘might’.
Darian is an iconic Greek hero whose name means ‘a gift’.
Drew is a name of Greek origin that stands for ‘strong’ and ‘manly’.
Felix means ‘lucky’.
Harper can be great for vocal Ragdoll males.
Marbles can be a good variant for s fluffy Ragdoll cat.
Newton is the right choice for a smart and intelligent fur ball.
Pierrel can suit a strong rock-like cat.
Scooter can be suitable for extremely movable and fast Ragdolls.
Teddy is an adorable name associated with a gift.
Male Names Starting with the Letter M
Mackey means “manly”.
Maestro – great for a talented cat.
Maverick suits independent cats.
Max means “the greatest”.
Montana – great for a strong and brave cat.
Monty means “mountain”.
Female Ragdoll Cat Names
Your graceful Ragdoll girl kitty deserves a name to reflect its undeniable charm and magnificence. These names are perfect for your awesome cutie.
CatsPurfection Comments
Tips on how to name your Ragdoll cat
What is a good name for a Ragdoll Cat? Good names for Ragdoll cats should emphasize their character and appearance. Here are some tips.
- Consider the breed’s personality
Ragdoll cats are known for their friendly and laid-back personalities, so you may want to give them a name that reflects that. Try names like “Cuddlebug” or “Lazybones”!
- Think about physical traits
Some people like to name their cats after something special about their appearance — for example, if your cat has particularly fluffy fur you could consider naming it “Fluffy” or “Fuzzy”.
- Choose an iconic Ragdoll nickname
Ragdolls are famously associated with nicknames like Rags, Dollface, and Mr. Bigglesworth — why not use one of these as inspiration for your own cat name?
- Look at famous Ragdoll cats
You can look to famous Ragdolls from popular culture or history for some unique name ideas. For example, you could choose names like “Snowball” (from the film The Adventures of Milo and Otis) or “Magwitch” (from the novel Great Expectations).
- Personalize it
If none of these options appeal to you, why not make a name up yourself? Try thinking of words that describe your cat’s personality, combine them together, and see if you come up with something interesting.
Alternatively, try giving your cat a human-sounding name — this is often an amusing way to personalize your pet’s moniker.
Whatever you choose, make sure that the name is short enough for your cat to recognize it and respond when it hears the name. Good luck!
Adia is a female cat name of Swahili origin that means ‘gift’ or ‘noble’.
Amor means ‘love’ in Spanish.
Amy in French and Latin stands for ‘beloved’.
Blossom is a great name for a pretty plush sweetie.
Clementina can be translated as ‘mild and merciful’ from Spanish.
Colette means ‘victorious’ in French.
Coco is a great option to name your kitty in honor of Coco Chanel.
Cupcakes can be nice for a lovely and cute brown Ragdoll cat.
Faye is perfect for a small charming fairy.
Felicity marks ‘happiness’.
Jasmine is a wonderful and extremely pretty flower.
Ladybug can fit a feline that will definitely bring you good luck.
Mila in Spanish means ‘miracle’ and in Slavic is known as ‘pleasant’.
Miu-Miu is a cool variant for vocal female felines.
Panpina is translated as ‘a doll’ from Basque.
Pom-Pom is the right name for cats who love to be in the center of humans’ attention.
Willow can be suitable for calm, patient, and a bit laid-back feline.
Female Cat Names that Start with the Letter M
Mabel means “lovable”.
Maggie means “pearl” in Greek.
Magnolia this name of a flower is perfect for a gentle girl.
Matilda “mighty in battle”.
Melody – perfect for a local feline.
Moira means “beloved”.
Mystique – this French name means “Air of mystery”.
Names Inspired by a Ragdoll Cat’s Color
Looking for the ideal name for your cream, seal, blue Ragdoll, or slightly orange Ragdoll cat? Scroll down this list of the cutest male kitten names as well as female ones and find posh Ragdoll names for your furry companion.
Chocolate- or Cream-Colored Cats
Amber is a gem of yellow color.
Butter can fit your creamy fur ball. perfectly.
Caramel is a brilliant name for a cream-colored cat.
Copper can fit the felines who are copper-colored.
Cream Boy/Girl fits any feline of yellowish hues.
Dune is usually yellow like your Ragdoll.
Gem can be perfect for your creamy Ragdoll and shows how you appreciate it.
Hoshi means star.
Moon Cake is an awesome name for a fluffy yellowish companion.
Moonshine is a good variant for your cutie.
Nudara stands for ‘gold’ in the Arabic language.
Sandy can be the right name for the feline of cream color.
Toasty is shortened from ‘toast’.
Vanilla is a tropical orchid that is famous for its yellowish blossom.
Seal-Colored Cats
For the owners of the seal point Ragdoll kitten, it can be really challenging to choose the name to reveal the special appearance of their furball. Of course, we can help you! Pay attention to the options below and be sure your kitty with marked limbs, ears, face, and tail deserves the most fabulous name.
Cloudy can suit any seal point Ragdoll.
Cole means ‘coal black’ and stresses coat spots of your feline.
Darcell means ‘dark’ in French.
Kingly is a variant of the word ‘king’.
Koko is known as ‘night’ among native Americans.
Majesty can be a cool name for such a noble cat.
Night is a great choice to stress dark shades on the coat.
Queenie is a splendid option for a cat who looks like a queen.
Seke stands for ‘black’; it is great for a grey Ragdoll cat.
Spike can be suitable for a bright cat’s personality.
Twinkle reveals the brightness of your seal Ragdoll cat.
Treasure is a proper name for this original cat like a Ragdoll.
Blue-Colored Cats or Blue Eyed Ragdoll Kitten Names
The eyes of Ragdoll cats are so mesmerizing and enchanting. So you can use this special feature to choose the appropriate name for your kitty with blue eyes. These mystical Ragdoll names, orange and great cat names from movies can offer you enough inspiration to figure out an amazing name for your captivating cat.
Aquamarine is a precious stone of bluish color.
Azul in Spanish marks ‘blue’
Azure means bright blue.
Azzurro can be translated from Italian as ‘blue’.
Babie Blue is a nice name for your blue-eyed sweetie.
Bluebell means a flower with cute blue bells.
Blueberry is a dark blue berry.
Celine stands for ‘the sky’ in French.
Iris is a flower of blue color.
Kyanos is a Greek name meaning ‘a dark blue tile’.
Milori is a hue of blue.
Navy stands for ‘dark blue shades’.
Ocean is commonly blue.
Precious fits well to such an intelligent bright kitty as a Ragdoll.
Sapphire is a gem of blue color that can emphasize the charming eyes of your feline.
Sky can be a suitable name for a blue-eyed Ragdoll.
Topaz is a blue gemstone like the eyes of your Ragdoll.
Lilac-Colored Cats
Lilac-colored cats have a unique coat that is a mixture of dilute red and cream. Here are some creative names specifically for lilac-colored cats.
Alina – bright and beautiful.
Ayana – beautiful flower.
Maisie – means pearl.
Kiri – means mist, fog, or misty valley.
Aurora – Latin for “dawn or sunrise”.
Echo – Greek for “echo or echo of sound”.
Tazara – African for “beloved”.
Red-Colored Cats
Blaze – a bright flame or blaze of light.
Scarlet – bright red color.
Poppy – from the bright, red flower of the same name.
Marigold – symbolizes passion, creativity, and enthusiasm.
Crimson – the deepest and most intense shade of red.
Flower Garden Perfection
If you are looking for unique ideas to give your Ragdoll cat a beautiful, garden-inspired name, why not consider one of the following options? These names have special meanings that relate to beauty and nature.
Flora – Latin for “flower”. A perfect choice for a lively and vibrant Ragdoll cat.
Daisy – a timeless classic, this name originates from an Old English word for “day’s eye” and is a cheerful choice for your Ragdoll.
Petal – a reference to flower petals, this choice is perfect for a gentle and sweet cat.
Blossom – this name comes from the Old English word “blostmian” which means “to bloom or flourish”, making it an appropriate selection for a healthy and happy Ragdoll.
Rose – “rose” represents beauty and is perfect for any Ragdoll cat.
Tulip – this name originates from the Turkish word for “turban” and is an elegant fit for a graceful feline.
Lily – a beautiful flower, lilies represent purity and are ideal for cats of all ages.
Daffodil – meaning “new beginnings”.
Food Names & Names Based on Fictional Characters
Macchiato – Italian for “spot or stain”.
Honeybun – sweet as honey.
Butterscotch – soft and golden like butterscotch candy.
Latte – Italian for milk.
Mochi – Japanese rice cake made from glutinous rice flour.
Waffles – delicious breakfast item made of batter cooked on a hot waffle iron.
Willow – a name derived from the English word willow tree, this name means a slender grace. It is inspired by the character of Princess Leia in Star Wars.
Loki – inspired by Thor’s mischievous brother and god of mischief Loki, this Norse origin name means ‘deceiver’.
Gizmo – this name was inspired by the character Gizmo from the movie Gremlins, this name means small but powerful.
Simba – this popular Disney character from The Lion King symbolizes courage and strength. His name is derived from a Swahili word that means lion.
Naming Your Ragdoll Cat
Selecting a cool name for your Ragdoll can be a little challenging task – how can you express the gracefulness and playfulness of your kitty in just one word? So when choosing the appropriate name for your Ragdoll cat, try to limit your choices. In this case, you’ll have an opportunity to see which names work best and reflect your cat’s extraordinary temperament.
CatsPurfection Comments
What are some unusual cat names?
If you’re looking for something a bit outside the box, there are plenty of unusual Ragdoll cat names you can choose from. Some of the most popular unusual cat names include:
Biscotti – This Italian name is perfect for your sophisticated furball.
Sushi – A fun and playful choice for a kitty with an adventurous spirit!
Honeycomb – Referencing the sweet snack, this cuddly moniker is sure to bring you lots of smiles.
Cupcake – An adorably sweet option for your petite little one.
Slipper – Great for cats who like to snuggle up in their bed or on their owners’ shoes.
Female and male cat names that start with the letter M
Female cat names that start with M:
- Mia
- Maple
- Magnolia
- Melody
- Marigold
- Misty
- Midnight
Male cat names that start with M:
- Maverick
- Macbeth
- Marcus
- Merlin
Mischievous cat names inspired by the size of a Ragdoll cat
Tiny: Pixie, Peanut, Cupcake.
Medium: Mango, Marmalade, Sushi.
Large: Hulk, Jumbo, King Kong.
Our list of awesome names for Ragdoll cats contains more than 150 cool options for such a sweet cat breed. Have you found the great Ragdoll cat name for your feline? Share it with us in the comments below.
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